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Happy and safe holidays together with your dog

Posted in : on 24-01-2023


The holidays are for many people all about making the house extra cozy and dining like a king. Most people have warm feelings thinking about December month. However, this is not the case for many pets. The festive decorations and typical treats are not as innocent as they seem for your four-legged friend. This is why you have to look out for some things to get through the holidays safely with your pet. Read on quickly and keep the holidays festive for your dog too!

The Christmas tree and pets

Almost everyone has in December a Christmas tree at home. Super fun, and festive of course, but it is not as innocent as you might think. Most people do know that cats and Christmas trees don’t go well together. Especially younger cats tend to see the Christmas balls as toys and would love to jump in the Christmas tree. But did you know that dogs and Christmas trees don’t go together as well? This is due to different factors.

Do you have a real Christmas tree at home? Watch out that your dog doesn’t eat pine needles. The needles from a Christmas tree are poisonous for pets and the sharp needles could pierce the intestinal wall. You also have to look at that your dog doesn’t drink the water you have put in the Christmas tree. This water contains juices from the Christmas tree that are poisonous as well.

Some people love to spray their Christmas tree white with fake snow. Do not use this when you have a dog at home. Fake snow contains plastic and is therefore toxic to pets.

In terms of decoration for the Christmas tree, is it important to think carefully. Glass baubles could break (because of a tail wagging back and forth) and could injure your dog. But the real danger is Angel hair, which is a special kind of Christmas decoration that is hung on the tree. This fine decoration contains fiberglass and could cause a lot of internal damage when your pet eats it. This is why you better don’t put it in your tree, or when you do put it up high.

Chocolate wreaths and other poisonous treats

It might speak for itself, but it is very important to take notice during the holidays of what treats are poisonous for your dog. Especially chocolate wreaths are very dangerous as chocolate is poisonous for most dogs and other pets. This is why you better don’t put any Christmas wreaths on the tree. Don’t put them on the table as well. A dog can easily eat it from the table and before you know it you are going to the vet during Christmas.

Next to chocolate are other treats poisonous for dogs as well. Did you know that grapes, alcohol, mushrooms, and raisins are poisonous for dogs? Please make sure that your dog doesn’t eat any of the typical Christmas treats.

Dangerous Christmas decoration

For most people is Christmas not Christmas without cheerful decorations at home. Very atmospheric and cozy, but some decorations are dangerous for your beloved pet. Please look at the following things:

Christmas pieces contain different kinds of branches, berries, and decorations. Please take note that some branches and berries are very poisonous for dogs when they eat them. For example, mistletoe is very poisonous for dogs. But also holly is used for many Christmas pieces, but the leaves and berries of them are poisonous as well.

A plant that is very popular during the holidays is known as the poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima). This red or white plant is light but also poisonous for pets. Although the symptoms aren’t usually very severe, is it still important to pay close attention to it when you have pets.

 Het lijkt misschien vanzelfsprekend, maar wees erg voorzichtig met huisdieren en brandende kaarsen. Een ongeluk zit in een klein hoekje en laat daarom brandende kaarsen altijd buiten en bereik van huisdieren.   

This might speak for itself, but always be careful with pets and burning candles. An incident happens quickly, so please make sure to keep them out of reach from your pets.

Fireworks and dogs

Helaas zijn veel hondeneigenaren bekend met vuurwerkangst bij hun hond. De harde knallen, felle lichtflitsen en de geur van buskruit is een recept voor angst die vaak al weken voor oud en nieuw begint. Plan de momenten waarop je jouw hond uitlaat tactisch in op oudejaarsdag en creëer thuis een veilige plek voor je hond om te schuilen. Ondersteun je hond eventueel van binnenuit met Kalm & Relax. Dit is een rustgevend supplement wat bestaat uit twee verschillende soorten magnesium, passiebloem en L-Tryptofaan. Meer tips om vuurwerkangst bij honden te verminderen lees je in onze blog: vuurwerkangst bij honden.

Many dog owners are familiar with their dog’s fear of fireworks. The loud explosions, bright flashes, and the smell of gunpowder are the perfect recipe for fear that already starts long before new year’s eve. Try to plan the best moments to walk with your dog and create a safe place for your dog to hide. You could also support your dog with HorseFlex Calm& Relax. This is a relaxing supplement that supports your dog with two types of Magnesium, Passionflower, and L-Trptophan. Other tips for fear from fireworks are given in our other blog: Fear from fireworks in dogs.

White Christmas? Watch out for road salt!

We secretly hope every year for a white Christmas. Although it doesn’t often happen, chances are that the holidays are very cold. With colder temperatures there is a good chance that there is black ice which means that road salt will be sprinkled over the roads. Nice for when you have to drive, but less nice for your dog during walks.

Dogs can suffer a lot from road salt. The salt content in road salt is quite high, the soles of a dog’s feet become irritated and wounds can eventually develop. To protect the soles of your feet, you can rub them with Vaseline before the walk. After a walk, rinse your dog’s paws well with lukewarm water and then dry them. This way you prevent your dog from licking road salt off its paws. Road salt also could cause serious problems when your dog eats it. Please make sure that your dog does not lick the road salt off the street.

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